Fifteenth Edition
February 2014
The history of any land begins with nature, and all
histories must end with nature.
—J. Frank Dobie, 1943
We cannot simply set large parcels of nature aside —
like so many closely guarded masterpieces in an art museum — and tell
people not to touch. People are already in the last of our great remaining
ecosystems. They’re burst through the museum door and raced down the
corridors into the main galleries of the natural world. Now, working together,
we must all find new ways to live there, ways that allow both people and
nature to flourish.
In the end, our society will be defined not only by
what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy.
—John C. Sawhill
President, The Nature Conservancy (1990-2000)
The Nature Conservancy
Our Mission
To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the
diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters that they
need to survive.
Names and Numbers
Frequently Asked Questions
Volunteer Program
Visitor’s Center Gift Shop Procedures
Emergency Procedures
Telephone Numbers
Bomb-threat Checklist
Emergency Report Form
Emergency Coordination Point Map
The Nature Conservancy
The Tallgrass Prairie Preserve
Before the Conservancy
Conservancy Establishes the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve
Research projects
Nature Trails
The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem
Historical Perspective
Ecosystem Information
What is it?
Influencing Forces
The Decline of the Ecosystem
Four Signature Grasses of the Tallgrass Prairie
Stewardship and Management
Ecological Goals
Recreating an Ecosystem
Bison and Cattle on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve
The Christina Adams Bison Herd
The Bison Unit
Bison Herd Management
Bison Basics
Bison on Nature Conservancy Preserves
Bill’s Bison Chart
Tallgrass Prairie Bison Herd Growth
Chapman-Barnard Ranch History by Liz Medley
The Osage Nation
Osage Oil and Ranching History
Useful facts compiled by Dr. James Rhonda and Jeanne Rhonda
Selected Sources — Oil, Osages, Ranching
Compiled by Dr. James Rhonda and Jeanne Rhonda
Osage County History by Jenk Jones Jr.
The Docent News Index of Articles